Climate Change Discourse Relatability Challenge

The past month has seen both inspiring and terrifying environmental news around the world. China’s ivory ban further bolstered the nation’s environmental leadership status, while President Trump’s silencing of environmental bureaus has angered many–scientists, civil servants, and everyday citizens. A common theme of these issues is the problem of relatability of climate change to everyday life … More Climate Change Discourse Relatability Challenge

A Waste

Last Sunday as I left a Starbucks in North London, I glanced into the trash bin and saw heaps of plastic cups. I was both annoyed and confused. Why did they bother to have plastic recyclable cups if they did not have a recycling bin in the store? I decided to contact the UK Starbucks customer … More A Waste

Sustainable Tourism?

Recently I have travelled to Iceland and Croatia—hotspots for environmental spectacles. Most of the parks were pristine, and the resources were well preserved. The scenery was unique and breathtaking. As I begin my dissertation research on ecotourism initiatives on the Tibetan Plateau, I have reflected on my own experiences in ecotravel in Europe and China. Ecotourism is not … More Sustainable Tourism?

No Immunity with Inequalities

Over the past month, the developed world in the West has battled numerous effects of climate change and environmental degradation—flooding in England, tornado-snow-thunderstorms in the United States, and, more recently, the Flint, Michigan, water crisis. These cases remind us that state wealth does not necessarily guarantee immunity from environmental harms. Social inequalities, like the effects … More No Immunity with Inequalities

What do Ai Weiwei and sustainable development have in common?

“What is sustainable development?” That is the question of the century and the overarching (burdensome) theme of my masters program. Many policymakers suggest that “developed” countries should help fund sustainable development initiatives in “developing countries.” Others have suggested allowing developing countries to pollute enough so that they can reach a certain level of survival (some researchers say … More What do Ai Weiwei and sustainable development have in common?